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Valentine's for Veterans and our Seniors
Valentine's for Veterans and our Seniors

Thank you Student Lighthouse for giving back to others with holiday decorations and cards.

Wood Plank Challenge
Wood Plank Challenge

Students are exploring STEM during their library times and love creating.

Nintendo Switch Time!
Nintendo Switch Time!

Last year through our Wellness Grant, we acquired three Nintendo Switch units for students to use during indoor recess. These interactive games allow for movement, focus, and help us get our wiggles out to concentrate on learning.

Sports & Wellness Night 2025
Sports & Wellness Night 2025

Woodrow Wilson held its annual Sports and Wellness Night on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. This was an evening filled with lots of movement, relaxation, and fun!  

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WW's Annual Winter Concert (no audio)

Woodrow Wilson's 4th and 5th grade choir performed for audiences at school and in the evening concert

Performing for Classmates

Shay in 5th grade has been working on a piece with Mr. Prutsman. Here, she performs it for 5th grade lunch.

JFK MS visits Woodrow Wilson to share their winter holiday concert

(no audio)

Recorder Chamber Group
Winter Concert

Our Recorder Chamber Group performed in our Winter Concert. 

3rd Grade Choir Performs During our Winter Concert
Winter Concert

3rd Grade Choir Performs During our Winter Concert

Winter Concert
Winter Concert

Our 4th/5th Grade Choir performing during our Winter Concert. 

Students Adapted and Performed a Play about Ebenezer Scrooge
Students Adapted and Performed a Play about Ebenezer Scrooge

Students worked during recess and performed for their classmates, and another class before the break.

Snowball Fight!
Snowball Fight!

Students had "snowball fights" in the gym. 5th grade had a championship snowball fight and even our teachers got involved. 

Students working on math word problems
Students working on math word problems
Students made wreaths for a local nursing home​​​​​​
Students made wreaths for a local nursing home​​​​​​
Science Investigations
Science Investigations

Students in 4th grade tried to get a circuit to light up.

Christmas Carolers
Christmas Carolers

Members of Woodrow Wilson's Student Lighthouse caroled throughout the building bringing holiday and winter joy to our students, teachers, and even our District Office as you see in this picture.

Hot Chocolate!
Hot Chocolate!

Students got hot chocolate in the cafeteria from our PTO before break.

The Merry Moose Holiday Shoppe
The Merry Moose Holiday Shoppe
Winter Spirit Week
Winter Spirit Week

Student enjoyed showing off their holiday sweaters. 

Holiday Door Decorating Contest @ WW
Holiday Door Decorating Contest @ WW

You can see the Most Creative, Most Interactive, and Best Overall pictures here.

Winter Spirit Week
Winter Spirit Week

We had great participation in our winter spirit week - can you guess which day this was?

Snowball Fight!
Snowball Fight!
We are Grateful For.....
We are Grateful For.....

Students spent time discussing what they are grateful for and were given an opportunity to write about it while in lunch. We are hanging these up on the walls outside the cafeteria so feel free to take a look when you come to Celebrate Reading Night. 

Veterans Day Ceremony @ WW
Veterans Day Ceremony @ WW
Working Hard During W.I.N. Time
Working Hard During W.I.N. Time
Enjoying the Beautiful Fall Weather
Enjoying the Beautiful Fall Weather
Enjoying the Beautiful Fall Weather
Enjoying the Beautiful Fall Weather
Enjoying the Beautiful Fall Weather
Enjoying the Beautiful Fall Weather
Taking a Moment to Vote
Taking a Moment to Vote

Woodrow Wilson students were excited to vote for their "candidate". 

Halloween Costume Contest Winners
Halloween Costume Contest Winners

The students enjoyed a fun day of activities on Halloween. Pictured here are the Halloween Costume Contest winners - congratulations!

Photo Gallery

The Perfect Day to Read Outdoors
The Perfect Day to Read Outdoors
Coloring Contest Winners
Coloring Contest Winners

All students participated in a Coloring Contest and our Halloween Committee chose their favorites - Congrats to the Winners!

Getting Ready for the Walk-a-Thon
Getting Ready for the Walk-a-Thon
Tie Day!
Tie Day!
Lighthouse Students Teaching a Bullying Prevention Lesson
Lighthouse Students Teaching a Bullying Prevention Lesson
Reaching our Wildly Important Goals and Joining the Hive!
Reaching our Wildly Important Goals and Joining the Hive!
Partner Work in Grade 4
Partner Work in Grade 4
5th Graders Hard at Work
5th Graders Hard at Work
BOE Appreciation Night
BOE Appreciation Night


On Tuesday, October 15th students and staff from Cheektowaga Sloan showed their appreciation to the Board of Education at the Annual Board Appreciation Night.

Photo Gallery

Homecoming Parade
Homecoming Parade

Woodrow Wilson's homecoming parade float won 2nd place this year! Congratulations to all involved!

Homecoming Pep Rally @ WW
Student-Made Posters
Student-Made Posters

Students at Woodrow Wilson are making colorful posters to line our hallways, welcome us and remind us of building-wide expectations

Photo Gallery

Delivering hope
Delivering Hope

Assemblymember Monica Wallace received state funding for Delivering Hope from the local nonprofit, The Teacher's Desk. As a result of the strong partnership that Monica Wallace has with Superintendent Andrea Galenski and the Cheektowaga-Sloan School Dsitrict, she wanted to use some of the funds allocated to The Teacher's Desk to give free school supplies to Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Both schools received the deliveries yesterday and are beyond grateful for this beautiful gesture of kindness. Twelve shopping carts of supplies were delivered to each school and will be used throughout the year to support our students and teachers as they work hard to teach and learn each day.

Photo Gallery

A special %22Show and Tell%22
A special "Show and Tell"

3rd grader brought her violin for Show and Tell and serenaded us in the office!

Woodrow Wilson Building Picture

Woodrow Wilson's Mission Statement

About Us

The entire staff of Woodrow Wilson School is committed to providing a positive learning atmosphere while implementing a creative and adaptive curriculum. We believe all students can learn and become productive individuals. The goal of each student is to strive for academic excellence and optimum levels of social, emotional, physical and cultural maturity.

News & Events

Latest News

Fowler's Logo

We are pleased to offer Fowler’s Chocolates as our spring fundraiser. Our fundraiser will be given a percentage of the revenue that is sold. We can earn anywhere from 15% to 40% of the total revenue sold, depending on what tier we hit. Our goal (above) is what we are aiming to accomplish this year so we can continue to bring funds into our school! Thank you for your support!

Read More about Fowler's Chocolate Fundraiser

Upcoming Events

WW Showcase

Here you will find some of the great things happening at Woodrow Wilson Elementary! Check back often for updates!